Sunday, May 23, 2010

Thai Experiment

I may be quiet here for a little while. I didn't start language learning until quite late in life, Mandarin was my first serious attempt but now I want to apply what I have learned to other languages (whilst continuing with Mandarin of course). For the last eight weeks I have been learning Thai. I have been keeping a private blog (over 20 posts so far) that will be made public soon (within two weeks at the most). I have discovered some surprising things about my language learning.


Bakunin said...

Great that you've started with Thai! I'm very much looking forward to your blog going public!

What made you choose Thai and not some other language?

Keith said...

I am looking forward to finding out what approach you are taking.

Unknown said...

I chose Thai because it shares characteristics with Mandarin without being similar (does that make sense?).

Sooo in theory I can make a comparison. It is fun to be looking at a new language whilst working out what to do next in Chinese.

Bakunin said...

I'll be especially interested in reading about your comparison with Mandarin. I've learned some Mandarin a few years ago for traveling in China, but I found it no help for Thai. Apart from being familiar with the concept of tonal languages, that is. But maybe you've got a different take on it?!

JC said...

Do you find that you can apply what you have learned to other languages? I am working on Bengali right now. I would like to learn another language but wonder should I learn something related like Hindi or something completely different. I am considering Mandarin because I have young children and it may be helpful for them to know some.